Gertrude Savile in Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre, London, England - 29 January, 1728, at night

from Secret Comment: The Diaries of Gertrude Savile 1721-1757. Based on a transcript by Dorothy Hooper., page 100:

Diary entry 29th January 1728


Tent morn. Proposed going to ‘Beggar’s Opera’; the 1st night of acting at Lincolnsin Fields. Aunt agreed to…   more >>

cite as

Gertrude Savile, and Alan Saville and Marjorie Penn (ed.), Secret Comment: The Diaries of Gertrude Savile 1721-1757. Based on a transcript by Dorothy Hooper. (Devon, 1997), p. 100. accessed: 26 October, 2024

location of experience: Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre, London, England


Gertrude Savile

Listening to

hide composers
The Beggar's Opera
written by arr. Johann Christian Pepusch
performed by John Hippisley, Miss Fenton, Mr Bullock, Mr Chapman, Mr Clark, Mr Eaton, Mr Hall, Mr Houghton, Mr Lacy, Mr Milward, Mr Morgan, Mr Pit, Mr Smith, Mr Spiller, Mrs Clarke, Mrs Egleton, Mrs Holiday, Mrs Lacy, Mrs Martin, Mrs Morgan, Mrs Palin, Mrs Rice, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Sallee, Thomas Walker

Experience Information

Date/Time 29 January, 1728, at night
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


The performance that Gertrude Savile describes here was the premiere of the Beggar's Opera, which went on to have a very successful run of sixty-two consecutive performances. All spelling and additions in brackets as in the cited source.

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Thu, 26 Sep 2024 13:27:44 +0100
Approved on Fri, 18 Oct 2024 13:59:24 +0100