Betsy Sheridan
from Letter from Betsy Sheridan to Alicia LeFanu, August 22 1788:
My brother left us Wednesday morning, and we do not expect him to return for some days. He meant only to stay at Margate long enough to attend the last melancholy office, which it was my poor Father's express desire should be performed in whatever parish he died.
Sunday — Dick is still in town, and we do not expect him for some time. Mrs Sheridan seems now quite reconciled to these little absences, which she knows are unavoidable. I never saw anyone so constant in employing every moment of her time, and to that I attribute in a great measure the recovery of her health and spirits. The … more >>
cite as
Letter from Betsy Sheridan to Alicia LeFanu, August 22 1788. accessed: 19 December, 2024
Listening to
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Experience Information
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, in private, indoors |
Song performed after dinner to a group including the author and children. Julian calendar date 11 August 1788
Originally submitted by Simon Brown on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 15:45:46 +0000