Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell Bury in Opéra-Comique - 21 July, 1814
from Diary of Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell Bury, 21 July 1814, page 25:
I went in the evening to the Opera Comique, Rue Féydeau. It is the prettiest salon imaginable. Large pillars of marble, or what seems to be marble, support the boxes; the pit rises in a species of amphitheatre; and the drop curtain is the handsomest I ever saw: it is painted in imitation of blue velvet, covered with golden fleurs de lis; the crown on a ball, which seems embossed in the middle, and the drapery very grand and simple in its folds. I never saw anything in better taste than the whole of this theatre. The performances were Le Caliph de Bagdad, L'Habit du Comte De Grammont, and Le … more >>
cite as
Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell Bury, Diary of Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Campbell Bury, 21 July 1814. In Diary Illustrative of the Times of George the Fourth Interspersed with Original Letters from...Queen Caroline, volume 2 (Philadelphia, 1838), p. 25. accessed: 8 February, 2025
Listening to
hide composersL'habit du Comte De Grammont | |
Le Caliph de Bagdad | |
Le Nouveau Seigneur du Village |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 21 July, 1814 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, indoors, in public |
Originally submitted by hgb3 on Thu, 05 Dec 2013 18:34:40 +0000