Dec. 9 I was invited and dind at a monastary with the Franciscan Friers, who had before brought a Latin Epistle to us for releife, for they live upon others charity, or more truly, live Idly upon others labours. But to my diner. For my mouth waters to be at it: and noe doubt you will long for such another enterteinment when you know this. After something instead of grace or Musick, choose you whether, for I could make neither of it. For though what was sung were Latin, yet the tone was such that I neither understood the Latin nor the Harmony. The begining of the Lords prayer to the 1 petition…
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Dec. 9 I was invited and dind at a monastary with the Franciscan Friers, who had before brought a Latin Epistle to us for releife, for they live upon others charity, or more truly, live Idly upon others labours. But to my diner. For my mouth waters to be at it: and noe doubt you will long for such another enterteinment when you know this. After something instead of grace or Musick, choose you whether, for I could make neither of it. For though what was sung were Latin, yet the tone was such that I neither understood the Latin nor the Harmony. The begining of the Lords prayer to the 1 petition they repeated aloud, but went on silently to, sed libera nos etc and there broke out into a loud Chorus which continued to the end, dureing their silence they stoopd forwards and held their heads as if they had been listening to one anothers whispers. After this præludium downe we sat. The cheife of the Monks, (I suppose the Prior) in the inside of the table just in the middle and all his breathren on each side of him....
Dec 10 I went to the Lutheran church, I found them all merrily singing with their hats on. Soe that by the posture they were in and the fashon of the building, not altogether unlike a theater, I was ready to feare that I had mistooke the place. I thought they had met only to exercise their voices, for after a long stay they still continued on their melody, and I veryly beleive they sung 119 psalme, noething else could be soe long, that that made it a little tolerable was that they sing better then we doe in our churches and are assisted by an organ. The musick being donne up went the preacher and praid and then they sung again and then after a little prayer, at which they all stood up (and as I understand since was the Lords prayer) read some of the bible, and then laying by his booke preachd to them memoriter....
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