Mr. Hill in London - 9 December, 1665

from Diary of Samuel Pepys, 9 December 1665, page 561:

[A]nd so to the office, where late writing letters; and then home to Mr. Hill and sang, among other things, my song of Beauty [retire], which he likes; only, excepts against notes in the bass, but likes the whole very well. So, late to bed.
cite as

Samuel Pepys, Diary of Samuel Pepys, 9 December 1665. In Robert Latham and William Matthews (ed.), The diary of Samuel Pepys : a selection (London, 2003), p. 561. accessed: 25 February, 2025

location of experience: London


Mr. Hill
Music instructor

Listening to

hide composers
Beauty retire
written by Samuel Pepys
performed by Mr. Hill, Samuel Pepys

Experience Information

Date/Time 9 December, 1665
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by isobel.1111 on Wed, 06 Aug 2014 12:55:26 +0100