Chopin in Warsaw - October, 1830

from Selected Correspondance of Fryderyck Chopin, pages 59-60:

I hasten to let you know that yesterday's concert went off very well. I can inform Your Lordship that I was not the least bit nervous and I played as I do when I am alone. The hall was full. We started with Corner's symphony, then My Highness played the Allegro of the E minor Concerto which I reeled off with ease on a Streicher piano. Deafening applause. Soliva was delighted - he conducted on account of his "Aria with chorus" which Mlle Wolkow sang charmingly, dressed in blue like an angel. After this aria came my Adagio and Rondo and then the interval. When my friends had…   more >>

cite as

Bronislaw Edward Sydow (Comp) and Chopin, and Arthur Hedley (ed.), Selected Correspondance of Fryderyck Chopin (Prescot, 1962), p. 59-60. accessed: 10 February, 2025

location of experience: Warsaw


Composer, Pianist

Listening to

hide composers
Adagio and Rondo
written by Chopin
performed by Chopin
Corner's symphony
Donna del Lago
written by Rossini
performed by Mile Gladkowska
E minor Concerto performed by Chopin
William Tell Overture
written by Rossini
Polish Airs.
written by Chopin
performed by Chopin

Experience Information

Date/Time October, 1830
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Meg Barclay on Sat, 14 Mar 2015 18:02:45 +0000
Approved on Sat, 17 Oct 2015 08:47:24 +0100