Congregation at the coronation of King Edward VII in Westminster Abbey - August, 1902

from Westminster Pilgrim; Being a Record of Service in Church, Cathedral and Abbey, College University and Concert Room, with a Few Notes on Sport, pages 193-4:

At the postponed Coronation all went well, the Litany being sung early in the proceedings on the steps of Henry VII.'s Chapel by the Bishop of Oxford and the Bishop of Bath and Wells. I had the honour of rehearsing these two distinguished pupils, and they each accepted a Book of the Music from me as a reward for their keen attention to their studies ! The Processional anthem "I was glad" made a splendid effect, the Westminster boys' "Vivats" coming in with superb effect. And they had an extra chance also, for in consequence of His Majesty the King not entering the Choir until some time …   more >>

cite as

Frederick Bridge, Westminster Pilgrim; Being a Record of Service in Church, Cathedral and Abbey, College University and Concert Room, with a Few Notes on Sport (), p. 193-4. accessed: 11 December, 2024

location of experience: Westminster Abbey


Listening to

hide composers
written by Frederick Bridge
I was glad
written by Hubert Parry
Litany performed by Bishop of Bath and Wells, Bishop of Oxford
O God Our Help in Ages Past
Rejoice to day with one accord
written by Baker, H. W.

Experience Information

Date/Time August, 1902
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


Sung by Cornonation Choir; Dr Alcock at the Organ; conducted by Frederick Bridge and Sir Walter Parrat

Originally submitted by sp327 on Sat, 30 May 2015 10:34:38 +0100
Approved on Mon, 16 Nov 2015 11:52:26 +0000