Joseph Szigeti in Covent Garden - 1911

from With strings attached- Reminiscences and reflections, 2nd edition, enlarged, pages 210-211:

To live in a place as Stravinsky-conscious as Ansermet’s orchestral headquarters were bound to be had its very real advantages. The fact that I had become aware of this far-reaching influence as early as 1911, when Stravinsky’s Fire Bird burst upon the unsuspecting and unprepared listener that I was then (this was at one of its first performances at Covent Garden), naturally made me all the more receptive to this ambiance.
cite as

Joseph Szigeti, With strings attached- Reminiscences and reflections, 2nd edition, enlarged (New York, 1967), p. 210-211. accessed: 9 October, 2024

location of experience: Covent Garden


Joseph Szigeti

Listening to

hide composers
The Firebird
written by Igor Stravinksy

Experience Information

Date/Time 1911
Medium live
Listening Environment indoors, in public

Originally submitted by tlisboa on Tue, 02 Jun 2015 19:01:58 +0100
Approved on Mon, 11 Jan 2016 17:26:23 +0000