Baron von Bunsen in London - 3 February, 1852
from A Memoir of Baron Bunsen Volume II, page 278:
Letter from Bunsen to Baron Stockmar, Wednesday: 4th February, 1852 - I heard the two speakers last night. The House was divided in appreciation : yet I am convinced that when the House and the nation shall have read and digested the documents, Lord P. will be allowed to have been in the wrong. That was the impression with which I retired at half past eight, to hear the reading of the ' Midsummer Night's Dream '(incomparable even with recollections of Ludwig Tieck) by the person of most genius in England—Mrs. Fanny Kemble, intermingled with the magic tones of Mendelssohn : thus to … more >>
Baroness von Bunsen, A Memoir of Baron Bunsen Volume II, volume 2 (London, 1868), p. 278. accessed: 13 February, 2025
Listening to
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Music of Mendelssohn
written by Felix Mendelssohn |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 3 February, 1852 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, indoors |