in Craig-y-Nos Castle - the 1900's

from Memories of a Musician: Reminiscences of Seventy years of Musical Life, page 201:

She has had a pretty little bijou theatre built in the castle, which seats over three hundred persons, and where she often performs little plays and pantomimes. On one occasion she asked me to arrange a performance of La Traviata, as her husband, Baron Rolf Cederstrom, had never seen her on the stage. I had engaged some singers from London, and a small orchestra from Swansea, which I conducted. It was a memorable performance, and I never heard her sing better, nor with more pathos, than in the last act, in the dying scene, when everybody was moved to tears and felt as if, in the …   more >>

cite as

Wilhelm Ganz, Memories of a Musician: Reminiscences of Seventy years of Musical Life. In Internet Archive (London, 1913), p. 201. accessed: 2 February, 2025

location of experience: Craig-y-Nos Castle

Listening to

hide composers
La Traviata
written by Giuseppe Verdi
performed by Adelina Patti

Experience Information

Date/Time the 1900's
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by sp327 on Thu, 09 Jul 2015 07:56:14 +0100
Approved on Wed, 18 Nov 2015 15:20:11 +0000