Ian Parsons et al. in London - 29 January, 1930

from The diaries of Sylvia Townsend Warner, page 53:

In the evening I went with Ian [Parsons] to a Courtauld concert.  Bruno Walther conducted Beeth. symphony no 1, the scherzo superbly played, and then Mahler's Lied von der Erde.  An interminably dreary soup, mawkish and morbid at once.  The last movement was the only one I have listened to, and by the time it came I was too weary to notice anything except a passage of much worked downward phrases just before the contralto came in with her unsupprted bit about the stirrup-cup.  When she had said Euring for the sixth time Ian and I laid our heads on each other's …   more >>

cite as

Sylvia Townsend Warner, and Claire Harman (ed.), The diaries of Sylvia Townsend Warner (:London, 1995), p. 53. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1442328336561 accessed: 30 January, 2025

location of experience: London


Sylvia Townsend Warner
Musicologist, Writer

Listening to

hide composers
Das Lied von der Erde
written by Gustav Mahler
performed by Bruno Walter
Symphony no 1
written by Gustav Mahler, Beethoven
performed by Bruno Walter

Experience Information

Date/Time 29 January, 1930
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Jo Reardon on Tue, 15 Sep 2015 15:45:36 +0100
Approved on Fri, 18 Dec 2015 14:14:30 +0000