Virginia Woolf in London - late May, 1927

from The diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.3, 1925-30, page 137:

A great knot of people came together suddenly last week, or the week before.  Tom - so glad to gossip with me off handedly over a cup - no 6 cups - of tea; then he played the gramophone: & Logan, pink & spruce, doing his trick of culture & urbanity & good sense very efficiently. He had been evoking the spirit of Henry James with Desmond in Paris.

cite as

Virginia Woolf, and Anne Olivier Bell (ed.), The diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.3, 1925-30 (Harmondsworth, 1982), p. 137. accessed: 26 December, 2024

location of experience: London


Virginia Woolf

Experience Information

Date/Time late May, 1927
Medium playback
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by Jo Reardon on Tue, 13 Oct 2015 13:52:59 +0100
Approved on Sat, 19 Dec 2015 17:29:45 +0000