in Brownhill, Llanllwchaiarn, Synod Inn - December, 1888

from More tithe sales in Cardiganshire, page 6:

Proceeding, then, to the rickyard, the way was found to be stopped by tarred wires. This having been broken down by one of the police, Mr Piggott, who accompanied Mr Stevens, valued the rick at£3. Captain Davies protested against its being sold under £5, and remarked that if it was offered for sale someone was prepared to bid, whereupon Mr Stevens knocked the rick down to Mr Jones, Nantpele, for 15s. Mr Stevens, with Mr Supt. Lloyd, went into the house to settle up; and when this had been finished they found that they had been made prisoners, someone having locked all the doors …   more >>

cite as

More tithe sales in Cardiganshire. In The Cambrian News, volume 29, issue 1453 (Aberystwyth, 28 December, 1888), p. 6. accessed: 1 December, 2024

location of experience: Brownhill, Llanllwchaiarn, Synod Inn

Listening to

hide composers
Poor Mary Ann

Experience Information

Date/Time December, 1888
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, outdoors, in public


Music appears on a number of occasions as a form of protest against tithe sales during the tithe wars.

Originally submitted by acusworth on Wed, 04 Nov 2015 09:34:30 +0000
Approved on Fri, 07 Apr 2017 14:38:53 +0100