Sergei Prokofiev - late October, 1916
from Sergey Prokofiev diaries: [late] October 1916, page 145:
This week is a week of rehearsals: four Gamblers and three Alas. Coates has a boil inside his nose and is confined to home, so the Gambler rehearsals were taken by Dranishnikov and me. We were competing with Aslanov simultaneously rehearsing Le Prophète,* which was drawing off all those involved in our opera, but such was the interest in The Gambler that, rather touchingly, they all came in every spare moment they had, so there was always someone to rehearse our piece. Yershov applied himself very … more >>, Sergey Prokofiev diaries: [late] October 1916, p. 145. accessed: 14 January, 2025
Listening to
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The Gambler
written by Sergei Prokofiev |
performed by Alexander Dranishnikov, Bossé, Popova, Yershov |
Experience Information
Date/Time | late October, 1916 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, in private, indoors |
* Opera by Meyerbeer (1849)