William Beatty-Kingston in Covent Garden - June, 1879

from Music and manners; personal reminiscences and sketches of character, page 387:

Towards the end of June, 1879, when, seated by Adelina Patti in her ground-tier box at Covent Garden, I witnessed the production of Massenef's Roi de Lahore, I could not help thinking that we English were getting on apace in the way of emancipation from old-fashioned prejudices and hallowed traditions; for the third act of that extremely remarkable work is also transacted in the celestial regions, its "leading business" being appropriately confided to the First Person of the Trinity, who promotes human souls to eternal bliss or condemns them …   more >>

cite as

William Beatty-Kingston, Music and manners; personal reminiscences and sketches of character, volume 1 (London, 1887), p. 387. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1452014631180 accessed: 19 December, 2024

location of experience: Covent Garden


William Beatty-Kingston
journalist, Librettist, memoirist, Translation

Listening to

hide composers
Le Roi de Lahore
written by Jules Massenet

Experience Information

Date/Time June, 1879
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Meg Barclay on Tue, 05 Jan 2016 17:23:51 +0000
Approved on Thu, 14 Jan 2016 09:57:19 +0000