Louis Engelbach in Naples - April, 1802

from Naples and the Campagna Felice. In a series of letters, addressed to a friend in England, in 1802, pages 23-24:


[Letter III] In this place [Naples], a lover of harmony need be at no expense to hear excellent music very often. Scarcely a day passes but one church or other has to celebrate some festival, saint's anniversary, or other important holy rite, where music is an essential requisite; and fond as I am of sacred music in particular, I have hitherto missed few opportunities of that kind. In almost every …   more >>

cite as

Louis Engelbach, Naples and the Campagna Felice. In a series of letters, addressed to a friend in England, in 1802 (London, 1815), p. 23-24. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1518257847191 accessed: 6 October, 2024

location of experience: Naples


Listening to

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unspecified vocal and instrumental church music performed by eunuchs

Experience Information

Date/Time April, 1802
Medium live
Listening Environment in public

Originally submitted by 5011Henning on Sat, 10 Feb 2018 10:17:27 +0000
Approved on Mon, 19 Mar 2018 16:09:53 +0000