Audience at a concert in Bath - at the end of 1785

from Letter from Mrs Elizabeth Smith to her father, John Saville, quoted within a letter from Anna Seward to William Hayley, Esq., 23 December 1785, pages 93–95:

Yes it is over—the trying evening is over; and more happily than I could hope, or expect. I am all gratitude to my audience for their indulgence. O! my dearest father, did I once think the time could ever come when I should dare to stand up with the presumption of attempting to entertain three hundred strangers with my poor voice? with so little science to guide me, and with small reliance, except on my ear, to protect me from absurd and ridiculous errors? I felt, strongly felt, how fearful a thing it was to see such a multitude of eyes fixed upon me, without hearing…   more >>

cite as

Elizabeth Smith, Letter from Mrs Elizabeth Smith to her father, John Saville, quoted within a letter from Anna Seward to William Hayley, Esq., 23 December 1785. In Archibald Constable (ed.), Letters of Anna Seward: Written Between the Years 1784 and 1807, volume 1 (Edinburgh, 1811), p. 93–95. accessed: 13 February, 2025

location of experience: Bath


Listening to

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Vocal music performed by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith

Experience Information

Date/Time at the end of 1785
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Thu, 30 Aug 2018 12:14:06 +0100
Approved on Thu, 06 Sep 2018 16:36:04 +0100