Mary (Molly) Collier in London, England - 1 January, 1742

from The Letters of John Collier of Hastings, 1731-1746, page 195:

Letter from Mary Collier to her mother, Mary Collier, 5th January 1742

Here is a great deal of feasting about this Christmas.  Last Wednsday we were at Mr Coppinger's who are all to be here tomorrow, and Thursday Mr Cole's family were here, where we are to dine a Friday.  And last Friday I was at the accademy, where the new year’s ode was performed and a very fine piece of musick.  The hogspuddings and sausages are very good, and we are all very fond of them and think they taste a little morish.

cite as

John Collier et al, and Richard Saville (ed.), The Letters of John Collier of Hastings, 1731-1746 (Lewes, 2016), p. 195. accessed: 23 February, 2025

location of experience: London, England


Listening to

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a New Year's Ode

Experience Information

Date/Time 1 January, 1742
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


All spelling copied from the original.

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 12:14:13 +0100
Approved on Thu, 14 Sep 2023 07:59:06 +0100