Mary (Molly) Collier et al. in London, England - between 14 January, 1742 and 15 January, 1742

from The Letters of John Collier of Hastings, 1731-1746, page 196:

Letter from Mary (Molly) Collier to her mother, Mary Collier, 16 January 1742

In my last I mentioned our being going to the play that evening, which we did and were very well entertained, and on Wednsday Mr Green treated Jemmy and I at the same house with the Provoked Husband, and Orpheus and Euridice, which I was the most charmed with of any I have seen, and a prodigious full house. Next day I waited upon Mrs Carleton, got there by noon, but had not the pleasure of seeing Mr and Mrs Cullen till dinner time at three, when they favoured us with their…   more >>

cite as

John Collier et al, and Richard Saville (ed.), The Letters of John Collier of Hastings, 1731-1746 (Lewes, 2016), p. 196. accessed: 7 February, 2025

location of experience: London, England


Reverend George Carleton
Clergyman, subdean of the Chapel Royal

Listening to

hide composers
music at the 'academy' (of ancient music?)
a song performed by Mary Collier
unspecified music performed by Mr and Mrs Cullen

Experience Information

Date/Time between 14 January, 1742 and 15 January, 1742
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 13:07:54 +0100
Approved on Thu, 14 Sep 2023 08:03:49 +0100