John Collier in Covent Garden Theatre, Covent Garden, London - 28 January, 1745, at night

from The Letters of John Collier of Hastings, 1731-1746, page 287:

Letter from John Collier to his wife, Mary Collier, 29 January 1745

You’l think me very gay when I tell you that I have been at two plays. There’s a mock opera set to musick by Mr Lamp, taken out of Shakespear’s Pyramus and Thisbe, that has at present a run at Covent Garden. I was there last night to see the Maid’s Tragedy and that performed, …   more >>

cite as

John Collier et al, and Richard Saville (ed.), The Letters of John Collier of Hastings, 1731-1746 (Lewes, 2016), p. 287. accessed: 18 October, 2024

location of experience: Covent Garden Theatre, Covent Garden, London


John Collier
lawyer, Mayor of Hastings, town clerk

Listening to

hide composers
Pyramus and Thisbe
written by John Frederick Lampe
performed by Henry Reinhold, John Beard, John Laguerre, Isabella Lampe

Experience Information

Date/Time 28 January, 1745, at night
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Sat, 26 Aug 2023 13:02:26 +0100
Approved on Thu, 14 Sep 2023 08:32:04 +0100