Amy Fay in Berlin - December, 1869

from Music-Study in Germany: The Classic Memoir of the Romantic Era, pages 26-27:

As for Joachim, he is perfectly magnificent, and has amazing power. When he played his solo in that second Chaconne of Bach’s, you could scarcely believe it was only one violin. He has, like Madame Schumann, the greatest variety of tone, only on the violin the shades can be made far more delicate than on the piano. I thought the second movement of Schumann’s Quartette perhaps as extraordinary as any part of Clara Schumann’s performance. It was very rapid, very staccato, and pianissimo all the way through. Not a note escaped her fingers, and she played with so much magnetism that …   more >>
cite as

Amy Fay, Music-Study in Germany: The Classic Memoir of the Romantic Era (2011), p. 26-27. accessed: 9 February, 2025

location of experience: Berlin


Amy Fay

Listening to

hide composers
written by Robert Schumann
performed by Clara Schumann, Joseph Joachim
Sonata in A minor
written by Franz Schubert, Beethoven
performed by Clara Schumann, Joseph Joachim
second Chaconne
written by Bach
performed by Clara Schumann, Joseph Joachim

Experience Information

Date/Time December, 1869
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Meg Barclay on Sun, 30 Nov 2014 17:22:37 +0000