Ned Rorem - 12 December, 1968

from The Later Diaries of Ned Rorem 1961-1972, page 257:

Can a composer imagine a more satisfying experience than mine last night in Town Hall? A capacity crowd listened carefully as I accompanied three friends in a whole program of my songs. Donald Gramm in white tie sang a group of Theodore Roethke and Paul Goodman poems, Beverly Wolff in green satin sang Poems of Love and the Rain and Phyllis Curtin in black velvet sang a miscellany. Then together we performed the premiere of Some Trees (John Ashbery) for three voices and piano, and everyone clapped long and loud, after which we all went to Virgil's at the Chelsea for cold salmon, cheese, …   more >>

cite as

The Later Diaries of Ned Rorem 1961-1972 (San Francisco, ), p. 257. accessed: 1 February, 2025


Ned Rorem
Critic, essayist, Composer, Diarist […]

Listening to

hide composers
'Poems of Love and the Rain '
written by Ned Rorem
performed by Beverly Wolff, Ned Rorem
'Some Trees'
written by Ned Rorem
performed by Beverly Wolff, Phyllis Curtin, Donald Gramm
unspecified songs by Ned Rorem
written by Ned Rorem
performed by Ned Rorem, Donald Gramm
unspecified songs by Ned Rorem
written by Ned Rorem
performed by Ned Rorem, Phyllis Curtin

Experience Information

Date/Time 12 December, 1968
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by iepearson on Fri, 16 Jan 2015 21:29:42 +0000
Approved on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 14:25:54 +0000