Amy Fay et al. in Sondershausen - September, 1873

from Music-Study in Germany: The Classic Memoir of the Romantic Era, pages 253-258:

The other day an excursion was arranged to Sondershausen, a town about three hours' ride from Weimar in the cars. There was to be a concert there in honour of Liszt, and a whole programme of his music was to be performed. About half a dozen of the "Lisztianer"—as the Weimarese dub Liszt's pupils—agreed to go, I, of course, being one. Liszt himself, the Countess von X. and Count S. were to lead the party...

After dinner he [Liszt] said, "Now let us go and see Fräulein Fichtner." Fräulein Fichtner was the young lady who was going to play his concerto in A major …   more >>

cite as

Amy Fay, Music-Study in Germany: The Classic Memoir of the Romantic Era (2011), p. 253-258. accessed: 3 December, 2024

location of experience: Sondershausen


Amy Fay
Franz Liszt
Franciscan Tertiary, Composer, Conducting, Pianist […]

Listening to

hide composers
Choral Symphony
written by Franz Liszt
performed by Fräulein Fichtner
Fourteenth Rhapsody
written by Franz Liszt
performed by Fräulein Fichtner
Concerto in A major
written by Franz Liszt
performed by Fräulein Fichtner

Experience Information

Date/Time September, 1873
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Meg Barclay on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 11:07:47 +0000
Approved on Fri, 21 Aug 2015 16:40:26 +0100