

appears in search results as





1431099148016: It is a charming place, and Alick, I think, will b...

1431099489893: During my first year, our house, like Caliban's Is...

1431099811515: The conditions under which I began my musical educ...

1431100198087: With three schoolfellows a quartet of violins was ...

1431101718227: Few lads can have had such exceptional chances of ...

1431102091646: A performance of Fidelio is unforgettable because ...

1431102321549: In the winter of '61 I was present at an admirable...

1431102558848: During the last month of my stay (1862) I saw Offe...

1431102910674: On field-days when such works as the Symphonie Fan...

1431103390990: Another uncomfortable experience was mine when Lis...

1431103561620: The last and newest orchestral works I heard were ...

1431979549553: My early acquaintance with the opera at Sondershau...

1431979739997: In a weak tenor voice, but with dramatic effect an...

1431979895943: I heard two operas of his which were running at th...

performance of 'Choral Symphony':

performance of 'Fourteenth Rhapsody':

performance of 'Concerto in A major':

performance of 'Violin Concerto':

Page data computed in 796 ms with 1,609,776 bytes allocated and 54 SPARQL queries executed.