Abraham Lincoln in District of Columbia - the 1800's

from My Life and Sacred Songs, page 103:

Hark ! the voice of Jesus crying — " Who will go and work to-day ?" I found this poem in a newspaper and set the words to a tune by S. M. Grannis entitled " Your Mission "—a hymn which was sung in the Senate Chamber in Washington by Philip Phillips on one occasion when Abraham Lincoln was present. The President was so charmed with the song that he requested that it be repeated.
cite as

Ira David Sankey, My Life and Sacred Songs (1906), p. 103. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1432034004538 accessed: 30 December, 2024

location of experience: District of Columbia


Abraham Lincoln

Listening to

hide composers
Here am I, Send Me
written by Daniel March, S.M. Grannis
performed by Philip Phillips

Experience Information

Date/Time the 1800's
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by Gill on Tue, 19 May 2015 12:13:24 +0100
Approved on Fri, 25 Sep 2015 16:24:51 +0100