William Gardiner - early 19th Century

from Music and Friends: Or, Pleasant Recollections of a Dilettante, pages 866-867:

When Baillot was in Leicester, he gave me a description of the horn-music which he heard at Moscow thirty years ago. It was at Prince Potemkin's, where two hundred performers executed a sinfony of Haydn, each with a trumpet that gave only a single note. It was a new idea to me, the advantages of which I apprehended would confer a power of accent unattainable by the ordinary way in which music is performed.... In 1817 I alluded to some of these effects in the 'Lives of Haydn and Mozart,' but none of my preconceived notions have been illustrated, and confirmed to …   more >>

cite as

William Gardiner, Music and Friends: Or, Pleasant Recollections of a Dilettante, volume 2 (London, January, 1838), p. 866-867. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1440494876973 accessed: 30 January, 2025


William Gardiner
Composer, Hosier

Experience Information

Date/Time early 19th Century
Medium live

Originally submitted by hgb3 on Tue, 25 Aug 2015 10:27:58 +0100
Approved on Tue, 25 Aug 2015 10:43:23 +0100