Emmanuel Chabrier
Emmanuel Chabrier
occupation | |
born | 18 January, 1841 |
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died | 13 September, 1894 |
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appears in search results as | Emmanuel Chabrier |
sameAs |
“Cher pays” from Emmanuel Chabrier’s Opera Le Roi malgré lui | writer |
1424697483711: Every night, with Alice [Chabrier's wife] , we mak... 1424697615628: I don’t have to tell you that I’ve observed an eno... 1424769222369: In the meantime the Oberon opening chorus in F, wh... 1424769330414: On the pretext of unity – I almost said uniformity... 1424769641529: Speaking of masterpieces, let’s talk about the son... | involved parties |
“Cher pays” from Emmanuel Chabrier’s Opera Le Roi malgré lui | composer |
performance of '“Cher pays” from Emmanuel Chabrier’s Opera Le Roi malgré lui' performance of 'Oberon opening chorus in F' performance of 'malaguñas / soledas / zapatéados / peteneras' | listeners |