Thomas Twining

from Letter from Thomas Twining to Charles Burney, Fordham, 4 May 1781, pages 197-198:

Boccherini is my first favourite; I know 2 or 3 sets of his Quartetts well; but the impossibility of getting his Quintetts done even tolerably in the country has prevented my knowing or meeting with them. I admire Haydn in his way; but Boccherini many degrees more; to me, Haydn is Comedy, Boccherini Tragedy; in Music, Tragedy is better than Comedy. When I play Boccherini, my very soul is at my finger’s ends. And tho’ he is sometimes difficult, he is not so, like Haydn, for the sake of difficulty, but he follows where his fancy leads & it happens to lead him into difficulties; at least, …   more >>
cite as

Thomas Twining, Letter from Thomas Twining to Charles Burney, Fordham, 4 May 1781. In Thomas Twining, and Ralph S. Walker (ed.), A selection of Thomas Twining's letters 1734-1804 : the record of a tranquil life, volume 1 (Lewiston, New York, 1991), p. 197-198. accessed: 22 February, 2025


Thomas Twining
Cleric, cleric

Listening to

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written by Luigi Boccherini

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Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by hgb3 on Fri, 31 Jan 2014 14:17:07 +0000