Thomas Twining in Cambridge - 1785

from Letter from Thomas Twining to Charles Burney, Fordham, 16 June 1785, page 273:

Oh — but I went to Cambridge with my friend E., & heard Mad. Mara, for the first time, at Manini’s benefit. We went on purpose. Give us credit in yr. black book for that, however. She sung, to our sorrow, only two songs; one, ”I know that my Redeemer", &c., & a bravura song of — I forget -- but it was a wonderful exhibition of power of voice, compass, distinct rapidity, & everything that cou’d be in such a song. Our expectations were fully answered. But -- tell it not near the back stairs — we wished the other song changed; yet she sung it admirably; but it was chosen ad populum, I…   more >>
cite as

Thomas Twining, Letter from Thomas Twining to Charles Burney, Fordham, 16 June 1785. In Thomas Twining, and Ralph S. Walker (ed.), A selection of Thomas Twining's letters 1734-1804 : the record of a tranquil life, volume 1 (Lewiston, New York, 1991), p. 273. accessed: 17 February, 2025

location of experience: Cambridge


Thomas Twining
Cleric, cleric

Listening to

hide composers
I know that my Redeemer
written by William Croft
performed by Madame Mara
Piano forte lessons
written by Leopold Kozeluch
performed by Miss Marshall

Experience Information

Date/Time 1785
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in public

Originally submitted by David Rowland on Fri, 31 Jan 2014 14:59:01 +0000