John Marsh in London - 10 February, 1774

from The John Marsh Journals: The Life and Times of a Gentleman Composer (1752-1828), pages 118-119:

On the 10th. I went with my friend Mr Blake to the annual concert for the Musicians Fund led by Cramer, at the Opera House (the 1st. I had ever been at) where I heard solo concertos on the violin violoncello clarinet hautboy & bassoon & heard Signore Davis & Millico sing. The music at this concert was all perform'd in the common orchestra, except those that played solo concertos, who mounted the stage just above by themselves. As this was much the grandest concert I had ever then been at I still retain a perfect general idea of it...
cite as

John Marsh, The John Marsh Journals: The Life and Times of a Gentleman Composer (1752-1828). In John Marsh, and Brian Robins (ed.), The John Marsh Journals: The Life and Times of a Gentleman Composer (1752-1828), volume - (Stuyvesant, New York, 1998), p. 118-119. accessed: 4 March, 2025

location of experience: London


John Marsh
Gentleman, violinist, Composer, Music criticism […]

Listening to

hide composers
songs; solo concerto for clarinet; solo concerto for flute; solo concerto for bassoon; solo concerto for violin; solo concerto for cello; solo concerto for oboe; Bach Grand Overture for orchestra

Experience Information

Date/Time 10 February, 1774
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


No details about composers of music given except the overture which is recorded as 'Bach's Grand Overture for 2 Orchestras', p. 118. Concerto took play at the King's Theatre, Haymarket, London.

Originally submitted by iepearson on Fri, 07 Mar 2014 20:07:48 +0000