John Marsh in England - 19 July, 1775

from The John Marsh Journals: The Life and Times of a Gentleman Composer (1752-1828), page 132:

On the 19th I rode to Winton Races w'th Godfrey eyc. from whence I went on to attend the Race Concert, which was now, Mr Kent being dead carried on by Mr Fussell, who succeeded him in his places of organist to the Cathedral & College. At this I played with Basset of Southton the leader, being the 1st. time I had ever been promoted to so high a post at any concert of this kind. Catches & glees beginning now to be introduc'd in concerts; at this were perform'd the glee "How merrily we live" & the catch "Twas you Sir," the former of w'ch I was much pleas'd with. As to the latter, as it requir'd …   more >>
cite as

John Marsh, and Brian Robins (ed.), The John Marsh Journals: The Life and Times of a Gentleman Composer (1752-1828), volume - (Stuyvesant, New York, 1998), p. 132. accessed: 6 March, 2025

location of experience: England


John Marsh
Gentleman, violinist, Composer, Music criticism […]

Listening to

hide composers
How merrily we live
written by Michael Este (East)
Twas you Sir
written by Lord Mornington

Experience Information

Date/Time 19 July, 1775
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


The location is given as Winton.

Originally submitted by iepearson on Sat, 08 Mar 2014 18:15:13 +0000