J W Pennington in Liverpool - December, 1935

from Pick up your Parrots and Monkeys, pages 62-63:

His Majesty’s bands were already present on the quay, resplendent in scarlet and gold-trimmed jackets and black trousers with the plume-tipped Busby helmets, in sharp contrast with the drab khaki uniforms of those of us who were about to board. Playing martial tunes proclaiming the might and glory of the British Empire, with instruments gleaming in the now-risen sun, they marched the length of the quay adjacent to the troopship with all the pomp and circumstance that the British Army does so well. It was a stirring spectacle…And as the hawsers were cast off, severing the ship from the …   more >>
cite as

J W Pennington, Pick up your Parrots and Monkeys (London, 2004), p. 62-63. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1396275237708 accessed: 5 February, 2025

location of experience: Liverpool


J W Pennington

Listening to

hide composers
Auld Lang Syne
written by Robert Burns
Rule Britannia
written by Thomas Arne

Experience Information

Date/Time December, 1935
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, outdoors

Originally submitted by th4 on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:13:57 +0100