Sir George Armytage in Huddersfield - the 1800's

from Music and Friends: Or, Pleasant Recollections of a Dilettante, pages 396-403:

In passing through Huddersfield I met with my old friend Meredith, the bass singer from Liverpool, who introduced me to Sir George Armytage, from... whom I learnt that an oratorio was about to take place in the church, under his patronage and direction, and I was pressed by the baronet to join them. As I had not seen anything of this musical district, termed the Germany of England, I accepted the invitation and halted for the day. At the church Sir George gave me the choice of two fine Italian violoncellos, and I played out of the same book with him. The oratorio was the Messiah, and several …   more >>
cite as

William Gardiner, Music and Friends: Or, Pleasant Recollections of a Dilettante, volume 1 (London, 1838), p. 396-403. accessed: 2 February, 2025

location of experience: Huddersfield


Sir George Armytage
Member of Parliament

Listening to

hide composers
written by George Frideric Handel
written by Pleyel

Experience Information

Date/Time the 1800's
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Meg Barclay on Sun, 21 Sep 2014 21:21:52 +0100