Amy Fay in Cologne Cathedral - July, 1871

from Music-Study in Germany: The Classic Memoir of the Romantic Era, pages 135-136:

Oh! isn't the Cologne Cathedral magnificent? It quite took my breath away as I entered it. The priests were just having vespers as we went in, and there was scarcely a person in the cathedral beside. It was so solemn and so touching to see them all by themselves intoning the prayers, their voices swelling and falling in that vast place. And when the superb organ struck up, and they began to sing a hymn, so wildly sweet, with an interlude most beautifully worked up at the end of each line by the organist—as we sat there under those great arches which soar up to such an immense height, I felt …   more >>
cite as

Amy Fay, Music-Study in Germany: The Classic Memoir of the Romantic Era (2011), p. 135-136. accessed: 4 February, 2025

location of experience: Cologne Cathedral


Amy Fay

Listening to

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Choral singing

Experience Information

Date/Time July, 1871
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Meg Barclay on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 22:31:38 +0000