George Frideric Handel in London - 1741
from Letters of composers : an anthology, 1603-1945 / compiled and edited by Gertrude Norman and Miriam Lubell Shrifte., page 23:
as far for the News of your opera’s[probably the operas staged by the rival opera company of Niccolo Porpora, Haendel’s competitor], I need not trouble you for all this Town is full of their ill success, by a number of Letters from your quarters to the People of quality here, an I can’t help saying but that it furnishes great Diversion and laughter. The first Opera [Alessandro in Persia] I heard my self before I left London, and it made me merry all along my journey, and of the second Opera call’d Penelope [By Baldassare Galuppi], a certain noble man writes very jocosly, it fault que … more >>
cite as
Gertrude Norman and Miriam Lubell Shrifte (ed.), Letters of composers : an anthology, 1603-1945 / compiled and edited by Gertrude Norman and Miriam Lubell Shrifte. (New York, 1979), p. 23. accessed: 4 March, 2025
Listening to
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Alessandro in persia [potpourri of music by a number of composers] / Penelope by Baldassare Galuppi
written by Baldassare Galuppi |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 1741 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | indoors, in public |
Letter from George Frideric Handel to Charles Jennens, Jr., librettist for Handel’s Messiah, and L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, Dublin, December 29, 1741.
Originally submitted by verafonte on Sun, 22 Feb 2015 23:07:37 +0000
Approved on Thu, 12 Nov 2015 13:24:12 +0000