in France - the 1840's

from Life and letters of Sir Charles Hallé; being an autobiography (1819-1860) , page 89:

On another occasion, at a concert given for the benefit of the Polish refugees at the house of Princess Czartoriska, he [Liszt] did me the honour to ask me to play a duet for two pianos with him, and chose Thalberg's well-known ' Fantasia ' on ' Norma.' We had no rehearsal, but he said to me : ' Let us take the theme of the variations at a moderate pace, the effect will be better.' Now the first part of this theme is accompanied on the second piano (which Liszt had chosen by octaves for both hands, which octaves in the second part fall to the lot of the first piano. What was my horror when, in…   more >>
cite as

Charles Halle, and Marie Hallé and Charles E Halle (ed.), Life and letters of Sir Charles Hallé; being an autobiography (1819-1860) (London, 1896), p. 89. accessed: 5 February, 2025

location of experience: France

Listening to

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Fantasia on ' Norma.'
written by Sigismond Thalberg
performed by Charles Halle, Franz Liszt

Experience Information

Date/Time the 1840's
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by Meg Barclay on Thu, 26 Mar 2015 21:04:33 +0000
Approved on Tue, 20 Oct 2015 14:30:56 +0100