Blainey in New Orleans - early 20th Century

from Hear Me Talkin' To Ya: The Classic Story of Jazz as Told by the Men Who Made It, pages 21-22:

As for why New Orleans was such a musical city and had so many bands, I think one reason had to do with the clubs. There were a lot of private clubs, organisations, in New Orleans. Two or three guys would get together, you know, and make up the club and it would grow. So, when a member of the club died, they would hire a band for his funeral, and if the club had some part in a parade, they would have a band for that too. All the clubs tried to outdo each other. Like I remember what used to happen when different clubs would go to their camps out on the water by the lake front. There would be…   more >>

cite as

Nat Hentoff and Nat Shapiro, Hear Me Talkin' To Ya: The Classic Story of Jazz as Told by the Men Who Made It (London, 1992), p. 21-22. accessed: 4 February, 2025

location of experience: New Orleans



Listening to

hide composers
New Orleans Brass Band music performed by Buddy Petit

Experience Information

Date/Time early 20th Century
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, outdoors, in public

Originally submitted by 5011Henning on Thu, 04 Jun 2015 11:31:03 +0100
Approved on Sat, 20 Aug 2016 15:43:09 +0100