Igor Stravinksy in Geneva - in the middle of the 1910's
from Igor Stravinsky: An Autobiography, page 61:
There was at that time in Geneva a little restaurant with a small orchestra of string instruments, including a cymbalon, on which Aladar Racz excelelled. He is a Hungarian, and has since become recognized as a virtuoso. I was captivated by the instrument which delighted me by its rich, full tone and by the player’s direct contact with the strings through the little sticks held between his fingers, and even by its trapezoid shape. I wanted to get one, and begged Racz to help me by making my wish known among his associates in Geneva, and, in fact, he did tell me of an old Hungarian who sold me… more >>
cite as
Igor Stravinksy, Igor Stravinsky: An Autobiography (1936), p. 61. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1434623547986 accessed: 13 January, 2025
Experience Information
Date/Time | in the middle of the 1910's |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | indoors, in public |
Originally submitted by verafonte on Thu, 18 Jun 2015 11:32:28 +0100
Approved on Mon, 16 Nov 2015 16:53:56 +0000