Mrs Donnellan et al. in Delville - 2 November, 1751

from Letter from Mrs Delany to Mrs Dewes, page 50:

Every evening as soon as prayers are over we go to the harpsichord, and to my playing Donnellan hums over the oratorios; and although her voice has not the force it had, it is very melodious, and her taste and manner so different from anything I meet with here that it gives me great pleasure.

cite as

Letter from Mrs Delany to Mrs Dewes. In Augusta Hall (ed.), The Autobiography and correspondence of Mary Granville, volume Series,1 Vol. III (London, 1861), p. 50. accessed: 10 March, 2025

location of experience: Delville


Mary Delany
Botanical decoupage artist letter-writer, blue-stocking, Artist, Writer

Listening to

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Oratorios performed by Mrs Donnellan, Mary Delany

Experience Information

Date/Time 2 November, 1751
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by Liz Ford on Wed, 12 Aug 2015 16:19:36 +0100
Approved on Tue, 14 Mar 2017 11:11:26 +0000