Verbena Daphne Brighton in Gissing Village, Norfolk - between July, the 1920's and September, the 1920's
from Nuts in May: memories of care-free days, pages 66-67, 70-71:
And then the harvest holidays—only six five four three two one more day, and then we break up […] [The last day] was an uncontrollable day when we couldn’t settle and so we sang harvest songs and did quite a lot of country dancing, the day ending with a scramble for sweets which were supplied by the shop-keeper.
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cite as
Verbena Daphne Brighton, Nuts in May: memories of care-free days. In Brunel University Burnett Archive of Working Class Autobiographies, number 2:104, p. 66-67, 70-71. accessed: 27 December, 2024
Listening to
hide composers
improvised singing
written by children |
performed by Children |
Harvest songs | performed by Children |
Experience Information
Date/Time | between July, the 1920's and September, the 1920's |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, indoors, outdoors, in public |
Originally submitted by 5011Henning on Mon, 16 Jul 2018 15:52:05 +0100
Approved on Tue, 28 Aug 2018 11:51:52 +0100