Mary Frampton in Ranelagh Gardens, Chelsea - 7 May, 1789, at night

from The Journal of Mary Frampton, from the Year 1779, until the year 1846, pages 22–23:

Several great fêtes were given late in the spring, on the occasion of the King’s recovery. I was not out in the world, but was permitted to go to one of them given by Boodle’s Club, at Ranelagh, on May 7th. […] The Rotunda at Ranelagh was ornamented for the occasion, and the numerous and excellent bands were stationed in the middle. There were temporary supper-rooms annexed for the occasion. I did not get home till between six and seven o’clock in the morning, but was as happy as possible, and the impression of all I saw is still fresh in my mind.

cite as

Mary Frampton, and Harriet Georgiana Mundy (ed.), The Journal of Mary Frampton, from the Year 1779, until the year 1846 (London, 1885), p. 22–23. accessed: 23 January, 2025

location of experience: Ranelagh Gardens, Chelsea


Mary Frampton
botanist, diarist

Listening to

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Bands at a fête performed by Bands

Experience Information

Date/Time 7 May, 1789, at night
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, outdoors, in public

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Tue, 28 Aug 2018 15:10:08 +0100
Approved on Thu, 06 Sep 2018 13:07:01 +0100