Dorothy 'Daisy' Cowper et al. in Toxteth, Liverpool - between late 19th Century and early 20th Century

from De Nobis, pages 44 part 1:

Itinerant singers went up and down the Mount [where the Cowper family lived], and all other streets, daily. The words they sang were almost always incoherent, but the melancholy wail they emitted droned on and on. Meanwhile, the singer’s head turned in all directions, scanning the houses to catch sight of a figure in a doorway, holding out a penny, or even a ha’penny. One singer was a very different type. She wouldn’t sing in the streets, …   more >>

cite as

Dorothy 'Daisy' Cowper, De Nobis. In Burnett Archive of Working Class Autobiography, University of Brunel Library, Special Collections, number 1.182, p. 44 part 1. accessed: 5 March, 2025 (By permission of University of Brunel Library, Special Collections)

location of experience: Toxteth, Liverpool


Dorothy 'Daisy' Cowper
school teacher, Writer
Ernest Cowper
music journalist, Pianist

Listening to

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Itinerant singers' melancholy song performed by Itinerant singers

Experience Information

Date/Time between late 19th Century and early 20th Century
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by 5011Henning on Fri, 05 Oct 2018 13:41:53 +0100
Approved on Mon, 29 Oct 2018 16:55:27 +0000