Arthur Gill in Leeds - early 20th Century
from I remember! Reminiscences of a Cobbler's Son, pages 145-146:
[A]bout the year 1929 I became a Sunday School Superintendent [at Woodhouse Carr Methodist Church], and held that office for 10 years. […] In those days the Sunday School was very well attended. I used to enjoy the practising of the Anniversary Hymns (I always had done so from being a very young boy). I remember many of the Superintendents of the past (when I was a very young lad) […] so I followed a good line. Mr. Beevers was a … more >>
Arthur Gill, I remember! Reminiscences of a Cobbler's Son. In Brunel University Library, Special Collections, number 1:268, p. 145-146. accessed: 14 March, 2025 (All extracts used by permission of Brunel University Library)
Listening to
hide composersMethodist choir practice-- Anniversary Hymns | performed by Children |
'All hail the power of Jesus' Name'
written by James Ellor |
performed by Mr. Beevers, Congregation |
Experience Information
Date/Time | early 20th Century |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, indoors, outdoors, in public |