Kevin Crossley-Holland et al.

from The Hidden Roads: A Memoir of Childhood, page 151:

Many of the songs my father composed when I was a boy are about states on in-between – desire, dream and twilight – while his tone-poem for pianoforte, The Distant Isle, a response to the old Irish poem about Bran’s voyage, might as well be about Avalon. 

I do remember listening with my father to Bax’s orchestral tone poem, Tintagel, but what’s surprising is that I didn’t comb the library for children’s versions…   more >>

cite as

Kevin Crossley-Holland, The Hidden Roads: A Memoir of Childhood (London, 2009), p. 151. accessed: 20 December, 2024


Kevin Crossley-Holland
children's author, Novelist, Poet, translator
Peter Crossley-Holland
BBC radio producer, Composer, ethnomusicologist, professor of music […]

Listening to

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written by Sir Arnold Bax

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Originally submitted by lcc5 on Sun, 06 Jan 2019 11:18:48 +0000
Approved on Fri, 24 Jul 2020 14:46:16 +0100