Vicomte de Chabot et al. in Palais-Royal, Paris - 26 January, 1821
from Diary of Thomas Moore, 26 January 1821, pages 193–195:
Called upon Chabot (whose rooms are over the Duke of Orleans's) at a quarter before six, in order to go under his escort to dinner. The Duke met me on my entering the room […] There was only their own family party; and though the thing was at first rather royal and formidable, I soon found myself perfectly at my ease among as unaffected and domestic a circle as ever I witnessed in my station. […] After the dinner, which was over unusually soon, the Duchess sat down to work, and four or five fine children were admitted, with whom the Duke played most … more >>
Thomas Moore, Diary of Thomas Moore, 26 January 1821. In Thomas Moore, and Lord John Russell (ed.), Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore, volume 3 (London, 1853), p. 193–195. accessed: 8 February, 2025
Listening to
hide composers‘Polichinelle est par tout bien reçu’ | performed by Thomas Moore |
'Cadet Rousselle' | performed by Thomas Moore |
'The Evening Bells'
written by traditional, arr. John Stevenson |
performed by Thomas Moore |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 26 January, 1821 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, in private, indoors |