Vicomte de Chabot et al. in Palais-Royal, Paris - 26 January, 1821

from Diary of Thomas Moore, 26 January 1821, pages 193–195:

Called upon Chabot (whose rooms are over the Duke of Orleans's) at a quarter before six, in order to go under his escort to dinner. The Duke met me on my entering the room […] There was only their own family party; and though the thing was at first rather royal and formidable, I soon found myself perfectly at my ease among as unaffected and domestic a circle as ever I witnessed in my station. […] After the dinner, which was over unusually soon, the Duchess sat down to work, and four or five fine children were admitted, with whom the Duke played most …   more >>

cite as

Thomas Moore, Diary of Thomas Moore, 26 January 1821. In Thomas Moore, and Lord John Russell (ed.), Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore, volume 3 (London, 1853), p. 193–195. accessed: 8 February, 2025

location of experience: Palais-Royal, Paris


Vicomte de Chabot
aide-de-camp to Duc d’Orléans
Louis Philippe I

Listening to

hide composers
‘Polichinelle est par tout bien reçu’ performed by Thomas Moore
'Cadet Rousselle' performed by Thomas Moore
'The Evening Bells'
written by traditional, arr. John Stevenson
performed by Thomas Moore

Experience Information

Date/Time 26 January, 1821
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Wed, 12 Aug 2020 12:06:02 +0100
Approved on Tue, 08 Sep 2020 09:42:40 +0100