Ben Turner et al. in Narva - 10 May, 1920

from About Myself, 1863–1930, pages 214–215:

Ultimately we crossed the frontier into No Man’s Land, and then into Russia and into a special train awaiting us. There were barbed wire entanglements still left, bridges had not been rebuilt, and all the evidences of the Koltchak attack were before our eyes. When we had got nicely settled in the train and gone a few miles, the chief of the Soviet of Narva, along with a deputation, came to give us a welcome to their …   more >>

cite as

Ben Turner, About Myself, 1863–1930 (London, 1930), p. 214–215. accessed: 9 October, 2024

location of experience: Narva


Ben Turner
journalist, millworker, politician (member of parliament 1922-24 and 1929-31), trade union organiser

Listening to

hide composers
unspecified songs performed by a deputation from the Soviet of Narva

Experience Information

Date/Time 10 May, 1920
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in public


Ben Turner was a member of the first official delegation of the Labour Party and Trades Union Congress to revolutionary Russia.

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Thu, 02 Jun 2022 10:24:12 +0100
Approved on Thu, 16 Jun 2022 20:34:17 +0100