Chartists in Leicester et al. in Leicester - in the beginning of the 1840's

from The Life of Thomas Cooper, Written by Himself, pages 165–169:

Next, I drew up a body of rules for our Chartist Association; and, as we so often indulged in singing, I proposed to two of our members who had occasionally shown me their rhymes, that they should compose hymns for our Sunday meetings.  John Bramwich, the elder of these persons, was a stocking-weaver, and was now about fifty years old.  …   more >>

cite as

Thomas Cooper, The Life of Thomas Cooper, Written by Himself (London, 1873), p. 165–169. accessed: 1 December, 2024

location of experience: Leicester


Thomas Cooper
Author, itinerant preacher, journalist, lecturer […]

Listening to

hide composers
'God of the earth, and sea, and sky', sung to the 'Old Hundredth'
written by Louis Bourgeois, Thomas Cooper (words)
performed by Leicester Chartists
'Britannia's sons', sung to the melody 'New Crucifixion'
written by John Bramwich (words)
performed by Leicester Chartists
'Sons of poverty assemble', sung to the melody 'Calcutta'
written by William Jones (words)
performed by Leicester Chartists

Experience Information

Date/Time in the beginning of the 1840's
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Fri, 05 Aug 2022 11:32:40 +0100
Approved on Thu, 18 Aug 2022 12:01:15 +0100