Charity School children et al. - mid 18th Century
from Parochial Music Corrected, page 30:
It has been remarked that some of the finest Treble Voices that the Cathedrals have produced, notwithstanding the Advantage of a musical Education, have (when broke) turned out extremely bad. What then can be expected in Charity-Schools, where they are not taught any Rules to regulate their Voices by? In the Course of my teaching this Way, I believe I have taught about Five Hundred Children to sing the Solos and other particular Parts of the Hymns, who are always selected from the rest for this Purpose; among whom, I solmenly declare that I have not had more than Five … more >>
William Riley, Parochial Music Corrected (London, 1762), p. 30. accessed: 12 March, 2025
Listening to
hide composershymns |
Experience Information
Date/Time | mid 18th Century |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, indoors, in public |
'Songsters' is used here as a derogatory term, indicating that the singer in question has fallen, as Riley puts it 'a Sacrifice to the Love of Pleasure'.