Gertrude Savile et al. in King's Theatre, London - 6 February, 1728
from Secret Comment: The Diaries of Gertrude Savile 1721-1757. Based on a transcript by Dorothy Hooper., page 101:
Diary entry 6th February 1728
[With] Mrs. Helen D’Enly to the Opera. ‘Radamistus’, an old one - thought I had never seen it - found I had. So thin an Opera and so ill perform’d I never was at. Crezzoni ill; did not sing. Senesino would not exert himself; coud scarce hear him. For the rest, ‘twas all one to me. Starv’d [cold] all the time. Veryly the Musick of the Beggar’s Opera far exceeded it. None of the Royal Family there.
Gertrude Savile, and Alan Saville and Marjorie Penn (ed.), Secret Comment: The Diaries of Gertrude Savile 1721-1757. Based on a transcript by Dorothy Hooper. (Devon, 1997), p. 101. accessed: 5 March, 2025
Listening to
hide composers
written by George Frideric Handel |
performed by Antonio Baldi, Francesco Bernardi (Senesino), Giovanni Battista Palmerini, Giuseppe Maria Boschi, Faustina Bordoni |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 6 February, 1728 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, indoors, in public |
Additions in brackets as in the cited source. When Gertrude Savile refered to the singer Crezzoni in the diary entry, it's probable that she meant (or wrote indistinctly) Francesca Cuzzoni, who is known to have performed in this 1728 revival of Handel's opera.