Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg



appears in search results as

Saint Petersburg

Saint petersburg





























performance of 'Seventh Piano Sonata':

performance of 'Russian songs and choruses':

performance of 'The Barber of Seville':

performance of 'The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish':

performance of 'Little compositions':

performance of 'Piano pieces':

performance of 'Pictures at an Exhibition':

performance of 'String quartets':

performance of 'Scherzo, Op. 12':

performance of 'Scherzo, Op. 12':

performance of 'Narcissus and Echo':

performance of 'Cello Sonata':

performance of 'Song cycle':

performance of 'Gavotte':

performance of 'Gavotte':

performance of 'Jeux':

performance of 'Alexander Tcherepnin's compositions':

performance of 'Performances by the Imperial Conservatoire opera class':

performance of 'Finale of the 'Appassionata' Sonata':

performance of 'Pathétique Symphony':

performance of 'Tale of the Fish and the Fisherman (piano transcription)':

performance of 'Violin Sonata':

performance of 'Alastor, op. 14':

performance of 'Alastor, op. 14':

performance of 'Alastor, op. 14':

performance of 'Piano Concerto':

performance of 'Scenes from Petrushka':

performance of 'Fragments by Wagner':

performance of 'Mozart's trios and quartets':

performance of 'Orchestral works by Debussy':

performance of 'Falstaff':

performance of 'Etude No. 3':

performance of 'Prokofiev's piano pieces':

performance of 'Variations':

performance of 'Kreutzer Sonata':

performance of 'The Ugly Duckling, Op. 18':

performance of 'The Ugly Duckling, Op. 18':

performance of 'The Ugly Duckling, Op. 18':

performance of 'Indecent songs':

performance of 'Fugue':

performance of 'Paradise Lost, Op. 54':

performance of 'Matinée orchestral concert':

performance of 'Fourth Piano Concerto':

performance of 'Piano Concerto no. 2':

performance of 'Piano Sonata':

performance of 'Songs':

performance of 'Variations':

performance of ''Trust Me', op. 23 no. 3':

performance of 'Vocal quartets':

performance of 'Scheherazade':

performance of 'Schoenberg's opus II pieces':

performance of 'Piano performance':

performance of 'Fugue':

performance of 'Tannhäuser-Fantasy':

performance of ''There Are Other Planets'':

performance of ''Scherzo' and 'Prelude'':

performance of 'Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony':

performance of 'Selected concert pieces':

performance of 'Themes from orchestral works':

performance of 'Chanting of priests in an Orthodox church':

performance of 'Apocalypsis':

performance of 'March':

performance of 'Piano Sonata':

performance of 'Minuet':

performance of 'The Tale of Tsar Saltan':

performance of 'There are other planets, op. 9 no. 1':

performance of 'Piano pieces':

performance of 'Fifth Symphony':

performance of 'Beethoven's trios and quartets':

performance of 'Dreams - piano transcription':

performance of 'Francesca da Rimini':

performance of 'Seventh Symphony':

performance of 'Piano sonatas':

performance of 'Unnamed compositions':

performance of 'Preludes':

performance of 'Sadko':

performance of 'early music pieces':

performance of 'Don Quixote':

performance of 'General's sobbing from 'The Gambler'':

performance of 'Songs':

performance of 'From Darkness to Light':

performance of 'Piano lessons':

performance of ''Doggies' - piano pieces':

performance of 'Songs':

performance of 'Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto':

performance of 'Unspecified 2':

performance of 'A Musical Letter to B. S. Zakharov in Vienna from S. S. Prokofiev in St Petersburg [sans op.]':

performance of 'Préludes':

performance of ''Chant funèbre'':

performance of 'Divine Poem':

performance of 'Piano pieces':

performance of 'Symphony by Glazunov':

performance of 'Piano recital':

performance of 'Piano recital':

performance of 'Hungarian Rhapsody':

performance of 'Pieces':

performance of ''A Life for the Tsar'':

performance of 'Second piano sonata':

performance of 'Second piano sonata':

performance of 'Second piano sonata':

performance of 'Social performing - four-hand piano transcriptions':

performance of 'Megaye':

performance of 'Unspecified 1':

performance of 'Third Piano Concerto':

performance of 'Piano playing':

performance of 'Songs from the Japanese':

performance of 'Bassoon Scherzo':

performance of 'Overture to 'La Princesse Maleine'':

performance of 'Prelude, Op.12':

performance of 'Romeo and Juliet':

performance of 'Symphony no. 1':

performance of 'Fourth Piano Sonata':

performance of 'Excerpts from The Firebird':

performance of 'Etude no. 3':

performance of 'The Bells':

performance of 'Czech music':

performance of 'Classical Symphony':

performance of 'Classical Symphony':

performance of 'Classical Symphony':

performance of 'Operas':

performance of 'Orchestral Suite no. 3':

performance of 'Concert by professor of singing':

performance of 'Sonata':

performance of 'Valisneria':

performance of 'Poor piano playing':

performance of 'Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg':

performance of 'Rehearsal of 'Autumnal'':

performance of 'Mephisto Waltz':

performance of 'Piano duets':

performance of 'La Vie pour le Czar':

performance of 'Piano Concerto ':

performance of 'Fourth Symphony':

performance of 'Piano Concerto no. 2, cadenza from first movement':

performance of 'Piano Sonata, op. 30':

performance of 'The Isle of the Dead':

performance of 'Alphabet':

performance of 'Piano Concerto':

performance of 'Fifth Symphony':

performance of 'The Queen of Spades':

performance of 'The Queen of Spades':

performance of 'Performances at Apollon':

performance of 'Unknown':

performance of ''In My Garden' & 'The Wizard' Op. 23':

performance of 'unspecified band music':

performance of 'Songs':

performance of 'Songs':

performance of 'Piano Sonata':

performance of 'Variations':

performance of 'Sixth Piano Sonata':

performance of 'Piano music':

performance of 'Student performances':

performance of 'Ninth Piano Sonata':

performance of 'Christmas Eve':

performance of 'Autumnal':

performance of 'The Sleeping Beauty':

performance of 'Songs':

performance of 'Songs':

performance of 'Borodin's trios and quartets':

performance of 'Piano concert':

performance of 'Assurbanipal':

performance of 'Assurbanipal':

performance of 'Songe d'automne':

performance of 'Phantom':

performance of 'Tchaikovsky's trios and quartets':

performance of 'The Gambler':

performance of 'Second Piano Concerto':

performance of 'Second Piano Concerto':

performance of 'Second Piano Concerto':

performance of 'Rapsodie espagnole':

performance of 'Piano Sonata no. 2':

performance of 'Third Symphony':

performance of ''Gradus ad Parnassum'':

performance of 'the 'Internationale'':

performance of 'Symphony no. 2':

performance of 'Unspecified opera':

performance of 'Ruslan and Lyudmila':

performance of ''The Boat Cast Off', op. 9 no. 2':

performance of ''The Boat Cast Off', op. 9 no. 2':

performance of 'Symphony by Mahler':

performance of 'The Rite of Spring':

performance of 'Piano Concerto in A major':

performance of 'Songs':

performance of 'Ballade for cello and piano':

performance of 'Ballade for cello and piano':

performance of 'Ballade for cello and piano':

performance of 'Ballade for cello and piano':

performance of 'Fourth Piano Sonata':

performance of 'La damnation de Faust':

performance of 'Sarcasms':

performance of 'Sarcasms':

performance of 'Sarcasms':

performance of 'Sarcasms':

performance of 'Manfred Symphony, Op.58':

performance of 'Piano transcription of Coriolan overture':

performance of 'Playing at a piano lesson':

performance of 'Playing at a piano lesson':

performance of 'The Red Mask':

performance of 'The Mandarin's Son':

performance of 'The King of the Jews':

performance of 'First orchestral rehearsal of Prokofiev's Symphony':

performance of 'Music-making at the Alpers' party':

performance of 'Piano Concerto':

performance of 'Poème satanique':


Alexander Glazunov

Anna Pavlova

Boris Romanov

Efrem Kurtz

Alexander Glazunov

Dmitri Shostakovich


Pavlovsk Palace, Saint Petersburg

Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg), Russia

Great Hall, Saint Petersburg Conservatory

Saint Petersburg Conservatory. Pavlovsk Palace

Saint Petersburg Conservatoire

Mikhailovsky Theatre, Saint Petersburg

Sokol Gymnastics Club, Saint Petersburg

Salle de la Noblesse, Saint Petersburg

Moika River Embankment, Saint Petersburg

Narodny Dom (Music Hall), Alexandrovsky Park, Saint Petersburg

French (Kutuzov) Embankment, Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg Philharmonia, ul. Mikhaylovskaya

Pervaya Rota, Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg Conservatory

Pavlovsk Palace, Saint Petersburg

Vasilievsky Island, Saint Petersburg

Alexandrinsky Theatre, Saint Petersburg

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